The following data story demonstrates one of the solutions developed and presented at the NEN Hackathon 2022 with the aim of improving the findability and searchability of NEN norms and standards. The following are live SPARQL queries demonstrating the types of search functionalities that are now possible having transformed metadata about NEN norms to linked data. To see the data on which these queries are being performed, please visit the dataset page.

Functionality 1: Searching Based on a Given Norm

The following SPARQL query allows the user, with a known norm name, to search for all associated norms based on inputting the known norm name. This functionality is suitable for users who make use of a given norm and wish to expand their implementation of norms or explore other norms associated with a given implementation.

Figure 1: Query demonstrating the results of a search looking for all standards associated with a given standard based on their common terms.

Functionality 2: Searching Based on a Given Word

The following queries allow users to explore standards and norms associated with an input term. This functionality is suitable for users who are not familiar with any norms or standards in a field or wish to expand their norm implementation to a new field and seek to find norms associated with a term commonly used for this implementation. The first query provides insight into the most commonly used term across all NEN norms and standards included in the hackathon dataset and the second dataset allows the user to search for standards and norms based on their association to a term input by the user.

Figure 2: Query demonstrating the most commonly used terms across all standards and norms included in the hackathon dataset.

Figure 3: Query demonstrating the results of a search looking for all standards associated with an input term.