Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut (NEN)

Created on Jun 22nd, 2022

Bij NEN, Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut, verbinden we belanghebbenden en zorgen we ervoor dat zij komen tot afspraken. Die worden vastgelegd in normen en richtlijnen. Dit doen ze in nationale en/of internationale normcommissies.

We ondersteunen ook de toepassing en het gebruik van normen in de praktijk door middel van trainingen en bijvoorbeeld praktijkgidsen. In alle sectoren kom je normen tegen, we beheren er ruim 34.000. Dit zijn zowel Nederlandse, Europese als internationale normen


Semantic Search with NEN Metadata

Created 2 years ago

The following data story demonstrates one of the solutions developed and presented at the NEN Hackathon 2022 with the aim of improving the findability and searchability of NEN norms and standards. The following are live SPARQL queries demonstrating the types of search functionalities that are now possible having transformed metadata about NEN norms to linked data. To see the data on which these queries are being performed, please visit the dataset page.

Functionality 1: Searching Based on a Given Norm

The following SPARQL query allows the user, with a known norm name, to search for all associated norms based on inputting the known norm name. This functionality is suitable for users who make use of a given norm and wish to expand their implementation of norms or explore other norms associated with a given implementation.

Recommender System with Open Standards

Created 2 years ago

The following data story demonstrates one of the solutions developed and presented at the NEN Hackathon 2022 with the aim of improving the findability and searchability of NEN norms and standards. The following are live SPARQL queries demonstrating the types of search functionalities that are now possible having transformed metadata about NEN norms to linked data. To see the data on which these queries are being performed, please visit the dataset page.

As part of the NEN hackathon, the Kadaster team sought to replicate this functionality on NEN norms and standards to improve the ability of users to find norms and standards associated with a specific topic or based on previous searches. The following query demonstrates this functionality by providing insight into what norms and standards are associated with each other and, therefore, what may be 'recommended' for a user by NEN based on a users search activity. The following query also provides additional insights such as how many common words two norms share and how old a recommended norm is. This supports the user in accessing relevant norms for relevant situations and in making informed decisions when implementing norms.