Created on Jun 26th, 2022

The Land Administration Domain Model offers a conceptual data model which supports the expression of physical, legal, geometric and semantic features of properties for functional land management. The datasets and stories in this organisation are experimental applications of the LADM by the Kadaster Data Science Team for a range of use cases.


The following documentation was drafted as a summary to an earlier implementation document proposing the following metamodel for the implementation of semantically enriched code lists. The figures and documentation that are contained within this document serve only as a summary for discussion within the workshop given as part of the 10th Annual Land Administration Domain Model Workshop. The full paper drafted and submitted to this workshop can be found here.

The following document provides some insight into the types of questions related to LADM code lists that can be answered following full implementation of the metamodel proposed here.

In each section of this document, a question or task is defined based on which a SPARQL query is defined and performed with the results answering the question or the task. The SPARQL query is being performed on a dataset containing code lists (and their various attributes) and code list values (and their attributes) which are structured according to the metamodel defined. Please note, that all data used in this demonstration is fake in that it does not represent data related to existing code lists. If you would like to see the underlying SPARQL query or interact with the dataset itself, please follow the 'Try this query yourself' link to see the query and click on the 'Dataset' link at the top of the query to see the raw data.

DISCLAIMER: The data used to demonstrate a building permit application is entirely fake. No personally identifiable information is available in these datasets.

DISCLAIMER: The data used to demonstrate a real estate transaction is entirely fake. No personally identifiable information is available in these datasets.