This class represents t ...... ass of all feature types.
The class represents th ...... ss of all geometry types.
The class spatial-objec ...... of feature and geometry.
A GML serialization of a geometry object.
A spatial representation for a given feature.
Connects a geometry object with its text-based serialization.
A Well-known Text serialization of a geometry object.
The GML serialization of a geometry
The WKT serialization of a geometry
The number of measureme ...... y in a coordinate system.
The default geometry to ...... e most detailed geometry.
The topological dimensi ...... of the contained objects.
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: T*TFF*FF*
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: TFF*TFT**
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: T*TFT*FF*
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: FF*FF****
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: TFFFTFFFT
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: TFF*FFT**
Exists if the subject S ...... * ^ F**T***** ^ F***T****
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: T*T***T**
(true) if this geometri ...... for the coordinate space.
(true) if this geometri ...... section or self tangency.
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: FFTFFTTTT
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: FFTFTTTTT
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: TFFFTFFFT
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: TFFTFFTTT
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: TTTFFTFFT
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: TTTTTTTTT
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: TFFTTFTTT
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: TTTFTTFFT
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: T*****FF*
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: T*T******
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: FF*FF****
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: TFFFTFFFT
Exists if the subject S ...... ^ ***T***** ^ ****T****
Exists if the subject S ...... bject. DE-9IM: T*T***T**
Exists if the subject S ...... * ^ F**T***** ^ F***T****
Exists if the subject S ...... Object. DE-9IM: T*F**F***
The number of measureme ...... y in a coordinate system.
The class of literal values, eg. textual strings and integers.
The class resource, everything.
Further information about the subject resource.
The class of RDF containers.
The class of container members ...... re sub-properties of 'member'.
The class of RDF datatypes.
A description of the subject resource.
A domain of the subject property.
The defininition of the subject resource.
A human-readable name for the subject.